V-by-One® HS Comparing with FPD Link III and GMSL


Sometimes we are asked by customers “Is V-by-One® HS same as FPD Link III or GMSL?” This page is to explain what makes V-by-One® HS different from FPD Link III or GMSL.

Texas Instruments’ FPD Link III and Maxim (an Analog Devices) GMSL are known as high-speed video SerDes supporting many features like:

  • Up to ~4Gbps per lane

  • Coaxial Cabling Support

  • Up to 15-meter Transmission

  • Bi-directional Communication

  • No Latency

An Application Example for THine’s V-by-One® HS IC Products | See “Ser” (Serializer) and “Des” (Deserializer), for which TI and Maxim have similar IC products.

These features apply to V-by-One® HS as well. However, as each technology has been developed and introduced to market differently, V-by-One® HS has following unique points from technology and business aspects.

Technology Uniqueness

  • Robustness against video frequency changes

  • Independent low-speed data link (Sub-Link)

    • Ideal for debugging

    • Open doors for contactless transmission

  • Video Replication Mode

Business (Design and Production) Uniqueness

  • Intense Support along with Tools

  • Supply Allocation Program

  • Japan Quality

Note: Each technology is a different protocol. Thus, unless the chipset is designed to replace one of others, starting to use one instead of another that you have used will require a new design.

V-by-One® HS Technological Uniqueness

Robustness against Video Frequency Changes

V-by-One® HS’ first major application was TV, where there were multiple video input sources, analog video, VCR, STB, DVD player, etc. The frequency of each video source can be anything while everything needs to be displayed in the same screen. THine’s V-by-One® HS IC products were all designed to accept any of them, supporting from 600 Mbps to over 3 Gbps.

Independent Low-Speed Data Link (Sub-Link)

Camera applications typically need low-speed bidirectional communication channel to control camera settings from Application Processor. It is one solution to consolidate the video line and the control line (and sometimes power as well), so that the line count between camera and application processor is significantly reduced. However, what we have learned from designing customers was that in designing phase which includes debugging work it is critical to be able to identify the root cause for each error and if the video line and control line is always embedded, it makes the debugging process significantly hard. This is the reason V-by-One® HS products input/output the video line and control line separately. If you need to use a coaxial cable, it is still doable right after the transmitter and before the receiver.

This link separation invites another design possibility. A technology called Contactless Connection enables high-speed electrical data transmission to go over short distance of air, allowing the connection completely sealed with a plastic case. Ideal method for water/oilproof applications. This technology however requires no-embed high-speed transmission. Among V-by-One® HS, FPD Link III, and GMSL, only V-by-One® HS is compatible with this unique technology. For proof of concept example, go to THine and Keyssa launch a Detachable HD Camera System Solution.

Video Replication Mode

Interface conversion is not the only function THine’s IC products provide. The Video Replication function is developed to support dual displays with one source. For example, large-sized digital signage display may equip a tiny display on the back side for maintenance purpose. (Without this tiny display, you would have no idea what it displays when you are managing at the other side of the ‘wall’!) This function is not limited to displays. Some applications need to log (store) video from its camera. With this function, you can feed a logger without affecting the main video path. In addition, by using the Contactless Connection described in previous section, you would be able to hide the data output point except for maintenance technicians who know where it is.

By using the Video Replication Mode at both Serializer and Deserializer, the camera images are provided to 4 different application processors or sinks.

V-by-One® HS Uniqueness for Design and Production Phases

Intense Support along with Tools

THine’s business started with listening to customers who were having a hard time establishing digital video architecture. In other words, we have not generated reference designs with BOM that nobody knows if all parts are available when a customer goes production. We are committed to understand each customer’s application and generate the best and viable solution with the customer, in which process we develop Tools, such as Vision System Starter Kit (VSSK).

Supply Allocation Program

When THine’s products started being used by major consumer OEMs, we worked so closely with world leading foundries and assembly sites that THine established a unique production management system to understand the production details as if the factories were dedicated to THine. With such partnership, we manage product supply with minimal delays.

Japan Quality

THine Electronics has served video interfacing applications in TV and related consumer market since 1992, establishing outstanding reputation for its reliable products and intense support. Partnering with global reputable foundries and assembly companies, THine manages the whole manufacturing process in Japan. Some of its products are more than 20 years old. THine has never ended life of any video interface product without providing succeeding product.

THine Corporate Social Responsibility Policy | THine Electronics, Inc.

ISO9001 : 2015 Certificate of Registration (copy) | THine Electronics, Inc.

ISO 14001 : 2015 Certificate of Registration (copy) | THine Electronics, Inc.

Referenced FPD Link III ICs and GMSL ICs to Compare with V-by-One® HS ICs

To help better resolution of understanding, here is the list of FPD Link III or GMSL ICs that we have discussed in this page.

DS90UB935-Q1 | FPD-Link III 3-Gbps serializer with CSI-2 interface for 1 MP & 60 fps | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB953A-Q1 | FPD-Link III 4.16-Gbps serializer with CSI-2 interface | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB953-Q1 | 2 MP MIPI® CSI-2 FPD-Link III serializer for 2MP/60fps cameras & radar | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB947-Q1 | 1080p oLDI Dual FPD-Link III Serializer | Function Similar Part Available

DS90UB633A-Q1 | 1M pixel ADAS 60-100MHz PCLK serializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB901Q-Q1 | 10 - 43MHz 14 Bit Color FPD-Link III Serializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB903Q-Q1 | 10 - 43MHz 18 Bit Color FPD-Link III Serializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB913A-Q1 | 25- to 100-MHz, 10-bit & 12-bit FPD-Link III serializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB921-Q1 | 5-96 MHz 24-bit Color FPD-Link III Serializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB925Q-Q1 | 5 - 85 MHz 24-bit Color FPD-Link III Serializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB933-Q1 | 12-bit 100 MHz FPD-Link III Serializer for 1MP/60fps and 2MP/30fps Cameras | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB927Q-Q1 | 5MHz - 85MHz 24-bit Color FPD-Link III Serializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Similar Part Available

DS90UB662-Q1 | Quad 2 MP camera hub FPD-link III deserializer with single MIPI CSI-2 output port | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB936-Q1 | 1MP MIPI CSI-2 FPD-Link III Deserializer for 1MP/60fps & 2MP/30 fps | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB940N-Q1 | 1080p Dual FPD-Link III to CSI-2 Deserializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB940-Q1 | 1080p Dual FPD-Link III to CSI-2 Deserializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB954-Q1 | Dual 2 MP FPD-Link III deserializer with CSI-2 outputs for 2MP/60fps cameras & radar | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB960-Q1 | Quad 2 MP camera hub FPD-Link III deserializer with dual CSI-2 output ports | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB962-Q1 | Quad 3-Gbps Quad 3-Gbps FPD-Link III deserializer hub with single CSI-2 output | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB964-Q1 | Quad 1 MP camera hub FPD-Link III deserializer with dual CSI-2 output ports for 1 MP cameras | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB924-Q1 | 5 MHz to 96 MHz 24-bit Color FPD-Link III to OpenLDI Deserializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB928Q-Q1 | FPD-Link III Deserializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Similar Part Available

DS90UB948-Q1 | 1080p oLDI Dual FPD-Link III Deserializer | Function Similar Part Available

DS90UB902Q-Q1 | 10 - 43MHz 14 Bit Color FPD-Link III Deserializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB904Q-Q1 | 10 - 43MHz 18 Bit Color FPD-Link III Deserializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB914A-Q1 | 25-100MHz 10/12-Bit FPD-Link III Deserializer | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB926Q-Q1 | 5-85 MHz 24-bit Color FPD-Link III Deserializer with Bidirectional Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

DS90UB934-Q1 | 12-bit 100 MHz FPD-Link III Deserializer for 1MP/60fps and 2MP/30fps Cameras | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9249 | Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) with Spread-Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9277 | 3.12Gbps Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) Serializer with Parallel Inputs for Coax and STP Cables | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9281 | 3.12Gbps Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) Serializer with Parallel Inputs for Coax and STP Cables | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9275 | 3.12Gbps Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) Serializer with Parallel Inputs for Coax and STP Cables | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9271 | 16-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9273 | 22-Bit GMSL Serializer with Coax or STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96705 | 16-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity & Bandwidth Modes and Coax/STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96705A | 16-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity/Bandwidth Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96707 | 14-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity & Bandwidth Modes and Coax/STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96709 | 14-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity & Bandwidth Modes and Coax/STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96711 | 14-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity & Bandwidth Modes and Coax/STP Cable Drive and Line Fault | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96715 | 13-Bit GMSL Serializer with High Immunity/Bandwidth Mode and Coax/STP Cable Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9278 | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and LVDS Outputs | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9278A | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and LVDS Outputs | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9278B | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and LVDS Outputs | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9286 | Quad 1.5Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Outputs | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9288 | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializers for Coax or STP Input and MIPI CSI-2 Output | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9268 | Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) with Spread-Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel | Function Similar Part Available

MAX9260 | Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (GMSL) with Spread-Spectrum and Full-Duplex Control Channel | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9272A | 28-Bit GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Cable | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9276A | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and Parallel Outputs | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9276B | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and Parallel Outputs | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9280A | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and Parallel Outputs | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX9280B | 3.12Gbps GMSL Deserializer for Coax or STP Input and Parallel Outputs | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96700 | 14-Bit GMSL Deserializer with  Coax/STP Cable Input | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96706 | 14-Bit GMSL Deserializer with  Coax/STP Cable Input Drive | Function Compatible Part Available

MAX96708 | 14-Bit GMSL Deserializer with  Coax/STP Cable Input Drive | Function Compatible Part Available